at the lightest endof that streetmy childhoodwas barefoot runningsalong the hallowed hallsof pavements andpebbles.we had charmingintervals withmasculine sunsand mothermoons, alongfields of cricketsand hiddenmost ponds.say this to me now:my spacious life oflong leanings againstfragrant barks andlayings-down upon mystery leavesand the wet spots leftbehind by odd nightly insects.we conducted ourbusiness beforeother people's godswho gave us their eyesto see what asoul is supposed tofeel in have no time now,and that is fine:i love you forsaying you'd kissthese lost lips withthe clarity and tasteof the smelled hotto the tongue,a tender touchingof noble fruitsand waltzing withlimbs on fire thattook us outward.before grave autumntook us back tothe chalky spreadof empty tablesand barren landsof naked truths exposedin relief.i loved our daysof confused talkthat was saltyto the eyes andmade us blinktoward the sunwho swam with us.we enjoyed thecelebrated adult-speak backthen and avoidedhitching rides justbefore thunderstormsand backward winds.i think if we'dknown more - knownbetter - we'd haveexperimented withour limbs and ourhearts, if only to befast virgins in god's country.we never stooped so low:we circulated in theveins; we swam upstreamto save a life, which wasyours by the way,i didn't want to tell youback then.when you captured thehead of the roseyou conquered this sadness,you defined youth,you made love to mewell before i eventuallymade love for real.i am under-defined now;a far-reachingsolitude that stretchesback into memory,aching to ache thisbetter way, at leastfor a moment.i wish we'd had away, back then,to define certainmoments as beingimportant in the farfuture, a term or expressionthat made it would be 'love-springing'maybe, or 'passion-coiling'or, better yet,, i won'tsay it here,to save this generationfrom exactitude.i have my music nowanyway, and good poemsfrom soft degrees of the sacred -i don't need definitions, not aslong as my dreams are still pointedto summer night skies that let meswim with you naked.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
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» love-springing
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