i aim at love, like
the lot of you, which
is glimpsed side-to,
caught in those strange
impulses of light-in-time,
that pierce the eyes in
some moments and bathe
the feet in others. it is not
fully found but fondly,
fiercely pursued.
i don't mean love,
i mean Love: that
silent place that sits
beyond the threshold of
time and nature that
ends at the beginning of things
and begins at the end;
that high and low place at
once, that river within
us that gives us meaning.
i want to know what
i mean, to know
what purpose i have,
to know why i have given what,
to know why my bold breaths
into the wild hold any
importance whatsoever,
to know whether i am merely
a simple cell in the vast
expanse of the stupendous void.
so i aim at Love,
knowing that i will
not catch the uncatchable,
yet pursue it nevertheless,
because it is the chase -
and those golden glimpses
of it that i stitch, that i weave,
into some notion of memory,
some pretense of thought -
that shows me my Reason.
this is beautiful