Monday, May 8, 2017

her smile is the thing

my mama, she holds the puppy
in one of her black and white histories
and her smile is the thing

a bare-footed gypsy in the 
early years of her epoch,
building up those resistances

i think i might believe that 
that smile is for me-in-waiting, 
because i called for her even then

her youngest child, who
would be heir to her runty,
her lush lips and lank

and i would be picked on for it
during the early school years,
but she loved the hell out of me

the best way she knew how,
with her little body and 
deep well of blood-fever passions

there is everything in that 
picture that needs to be to 
tell her future

the uncomely summer dress,
whose hem is soiled by the
daily drag on the ground,

gives voice to a life in the 
shade of a forced frugality
on a teacher's salary

the toes in the dirt sing to
a future of days treading an
eternal path of stones and ruts

the arms, in a desperate clutch,
cry to a soul made out of the
effusion of a heart's radical charity

but her smile is the thing,
the beacon for so many of
life's migratory love-makers

who will find themselves
on a reckless sea, thrown and
imperiled, raging and raw

her smile will cast out and
in that sweep, capture them and
hold them fast for a better port

i know this as much
as i know those small hands
and tranquil, sufficient lips

my mama, who played
in the dirt with her bare
feet and hands and who

grew up wanting me in
her womb and loving me
in her wondrous way

felt no poverty but that
which was poorly placed
at her feet by others

i have her smile

i have her smile


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