what giving creature is this

something like a whispered song

mere touch

her meaning is like the texture of the perfect

my mother has escaped love

that love is no mere enthusiasm


how comes the muse to the latched-upon artist


she wears galaxies of memorabilia

Friday, May 26, 2017

i yearn for the unveiling release

i yearn for the unveiling release
of the artist who can open life
with the stroke of
the brush against canvas

she paints with blood,
and each approach is the
forfeit of her virginity
again and again

such an artist longs for
an appreciation of her
existence and must stand
naked before the canvas,
ready to give birth -
a rendering on the weave
of her pale womb

and the pains of it are
tidal, each stroke
a violent lashing
against the quay
built with chaos

i have an image of her
in her flesh holding the
instrument of her art
while i burn in my place

i consume her
while she stands
there, devour her
with hungry teeth
sunk slowly

if i truly risked it i
would press against her,
in her nakedness, and
beg to feel the pulse
of it in the skin

her head tilted, hair pulled up,
neck serene, the flesh
risen to the touch
of each purgative stroke
of the hand

how the hips stay square,
the feet apart, the shoulder
of the working arm tense,
the bicep and forearm
taut, and from heel
to finger tip a shuddering

and all of her everything
transferred at once to the
flat canvas now made round,
made deep, made open
by her deliberate pressure

i would beg to feel that
energy as a hand searches
for the heat of the
sun-bathed stone after
a cold swim

she paints not what
she sees, if she is being
true, but what she feels in
the rhythms of her
surrender: life beneath the life

i am jealous of
such an artist, clothed
as i am and remaining
clothed as long as i
drown in my fear

Monday, May 8, 2017

her smile is the thing

my mama, she holds the puppy
in one of her black and white histories
and her smile is the thing

a bare-footed gypsy in the 
early years of her epoch,
building up those resistances

i think i might believe that 
that smile is for me-in-waiting, 
because i called for her even then

her youngest child, who
would be heir to her runty,
her lush lips and lank

and i would be picked on for it
during the early school years,
but she loved the hell out of me

the best way she knew how,
with her little body and 
deep well of blood-fever passions

there is everything in that 
picture that needs to be to 
tell her future

the uncomely summer dress,
whose hem is soiled by the
daily drag on the ground,

gives voice to a life in the 
shade of a forced frugality
on a teacher's salary

the toes in the dirt sing to
a future of days treading an
eternal path of stones and ruts

the arms, in a desperate clutch,
cry to a soul made out of the
effusion of a heart's radical charity

but her smile is the thing,
the beacon for so many of
life's migratory love-makers

who will find themselves
on a reckless sea, thrown and
imperiled, raging and raw

her smile will cast out and
in that sweep, capture them and
hold them fast for a better port

i know this as much
as i know those small hands
and tranquil, sufficient lips

my mama, who played
in the dirt with her bare
feet and hands and who

grew up wanting me in
her womb and loving me
in her wondrous way

felt no poverty but that
which was poorly placed
at her feet by others

i have her smile

i have her smile

Friday, May 5, 2017

lost joy found

i see in you a flicker of the joy
that hides now in the well of this grown man
a flame lit when he was an active boy
a prince of all the fields in which he ran

a certain seed was planted in the rows
within the hallowed virtues of his youth
it is with love and life that something sows
to bring to fruit the wellspring of his truth

and in a time he sees the goodness drowned
by all the labors of the evil kind
who whisper death to joy without a sound
and swallow all the passions of the mind

but now i've found the courage to be brave
and rescue this: a flame from certain grave

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

the love of many

i'd wish for you a second lover's lips
to sing the praise of your passion's passion,
for the largess of your engulfing love,
how it spills from founts to
overtake the seas

love is not a bound volume, to be spent
judiciously or loaned with the frugality of
the moneylenders, but a thing refreshed by
the vitality and desire of the giver, who cannot
stem the tide any more than cease her heart

i'd wish for you a third lover's lips
to suckle at the bosom of your
engorged wants and soothe
the oppression of the constricting
vestments of the prepossessed

drowning those who would march in arms
against the native urges and authentic
conscience transfused to us from the
Original Mother, yet suppressed in the name
of a specious piety

and i will remain your first lover,
your primary, lips uttering a prayer
to the Goddess of the Divine Universe,
asking for Her blessings on us on
the eve of this embarkation

to entreat her with a question: how
does one divorce oneself from the
flock of the sedated, and approach
the true divine, the epic universe whose
manifold nature is the model for love?

for there is no sin in the love of many
so long as the lovers partake in a feast of
harmony with their eyes equal to the
same horizon and the sun, at her zenith,
illuminating all

there is a moral chisel against convention,
a subterranean river that cuts through
the hard rock as veins beneath the
surface of the skin, pulsating with the
genuine power of the soul

the heart has more than one chamber,
after all, and a multitude of ways
in which one approaches her and leaves
her, bringing life to her and carrying life from
her, and her strength is in the love of many

i'd wish for you a life of lovers, on a
migration toward the source of light,
gifting what you have in abundance,
to unlock all the gates so that it will

flow openly as it was meant to be