Wednesday, March 15, 2017

fall down with the day

fall down with the day
now, fall down the day-
let the fever go.
let it go now

if you were afloat in
an ocean on your
back you'd let it
let you feel it let
go and your arms
would be outstretched

like falling down with the
day. now, let it fall and
get those arms outstretched
and wait for the collision
with the world

we all love the fall-feeling
but not the fall, it has a
sinister meaning that we
know but always forget;
it is unknowing the known
forgetting the unforgotten

when i'm writing i am
falling down the day
down with the day
arms outstretched and the
rush is in the belly and in
the cock

so there is power in
the fall, intelligence in
the descent, of the going
down too fast but sometimes
not fast enough

we must go to it:
go to it, to have the
pleasure tamped,
the pain amplified,
but neither giving quarter
to the other

falling is a skepticism,
like the feeling of being
confronted by a crying friend
and not knowing what to

i still feel the tumbledown
for those who tell me
they've sat at the bedside
of a dying sibling, even though
i've sat there with them

so someone says to me,
'she went home to the lord
last night' and
<she had cancer>
is in the white noise of the grief
and i nod and i say
'our thoughts are with you,'
which is a terrible thing to say

and then i am pulled out
of the fall, fully out
fast, and i feel like
throwing up

after my brother, dethroned,
left us all standing around
that dark, shrinking hospice
room i wanted everyone to
just shut the fuck up about it

or at least to say,
'your brother was an asshole
to me in 1979'

or to ask,
'was he still a drunk?'

or to weep,
'i didn't come around because 
i didn't like cancer'

something approaching
honesty; something
approaching a look in
a mirror; something
other than all that public

instead to be
falling down with the
day, fallen now -
the day, float-falling
low-flung and arms outstretched

giddy with the fast rush,
the belly pull, the kink
in the groin, in that place of
shade between fear
and knowledge, the
good long slide


when love comes
it's a fall

when death comes,
it's no ascent, child

when the sun sets,
it's a plunge of the earth

when i make love to you,
it's a driving down

the baby sleeps in the
arms, and she flails from
a primal reflex
then shutter-sobs for a
moment then is at peace

fall down with the
day now, fall down the
day. let the fever go
let it go now.


don't forget the arms


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