let's be friends of a thing in its spirit
in the same way we view a stone
or a single blade of grass
or the sound of wind
how they in themselves
alone and free can be
considered as they are
and are not without injury
to separate them out for a time
in order that we might
enjoy within them a view
of pure simplicity
indeed they are part of something
outside themselves and into
which they belong
to be sure, of course
but have a beauty alone too
that can inform and
cut away that which
oft clouds all things
because the big calamity of life
is that of the single spirit engorged
upon by the machines of
those inebriated by expansion
and become, in time,
self-enriched and bloated
but left hollow and
undefined after all
their construct designed by
plucking us as singles from our
vast fields to form a fierce whole to
bond against invented foes
feeding us with fears of
a certain half fiction
not wholly true but that
rings in our ears as such
and so we become less
of a spirit of our single
selves enriched once by
the power of our uniqueness
and more of a larger
mass of energy drained
and oppositional and
ever shaking with worry
so for our current obstacle
i ask we extract that which is
pure in being unique and give
it a renewed consideration
so that when returned to mass,
it in itself and what
we know of it will
renew its power to us
let's be friends of a thing in its spirit
and in that view deny for now that we've
been parsed on a beach by
the coming of a deep tidal river
stepping out of the huddle of our two camps
and away from those who
throw their fists into the air against
their brothers on the other side
fomented by the false complexity
of the scene before us and
riled by the rattling words
poured into their ears
by something that got
away from someone, got
out of hand and cleft us
of our inherited reason
and in this quiet posture we alone toe
the water standing across from each
other with the sting in our lungs
of salt water and bracken
that we breathed in after that
sudden gasping when the
water came and tore through
and divorced us
nature over her time
forces us into our separate
corners but it is men who
take advantage of the obstacle
beguiling us to believe
that we have but their remedy
to repair our station and
none of our own
by swearing an allegiance
to their machinery
we forfeit what governs us
naturally and we become hardened
but standing now in
this way we must consider
not what pushed us out
but what pulls us in
for in is where we belong
alone but together, singly
and apart but embracing
and unified for a purpose
of our own making
and of our own design
a spirit of a thing that
denies the power of
those who wish to veto
the spirit of the single
soul for the sake of
their own cold machine
we as our own excellence
can believe in the pure power
of a thousand independent
souls joined through simple clarity
from a position of one who
sees the one and fears not the
many who see the one in
me likewise
that i am no threat to you
as a genuine friend of a thing
in its spirit but someone who seeks
to bridge all waters with you as you
and let all the others
who claim to be master
follow or be drowned
in their pursuit
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